The Peatlands Mural

Public Art Installation at the Homer Airport Terminal

Kim McNett
October 3, 2023

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In celebration of the Homer community’s continuing efforts for peatland protection, The Peatlands mural was installed on the interior walls of the Homer Airport Terminal in fall 2023. The Peatlands art installation was envisioned by a local climate solution project and incorporates detailed illustrations of the fascinating microcosms found underground, underwater and on the living surfaces of local wetlands. Recognizing that many fens and other wetlands in the Homer area are threatened, this landscape-centered art project illuminates the critical role of wetlands and soil carbon to the climate challenge both locally and globally.

When given the opportunity to create a large-scale work of art for permanent public display, I wanted to show people the peatlands as I see them: cherished wonderlands of tiny miracles and grand support systems for biodiversity. I chose to create a series of detailed watercolor illustrations that are both scientifically accurate and creatively imagined. They feature the life, formation and transitions of the peatlands that I studied in the Beluga Wetlands during the volunteer Peatland Mapping project of 2021. My designs integrate personal experience, scientific knowledge, community values and artistic vision to share the role of peatlands in the carbon cycle.

The Homer Airport itself is built atop and surrounded by peatlands in various states of degradation and conservation. Airline traffic that comes in and out of the airport is highly relevant to our influence on the carbon cycle. The Peatlands mural is a positive message about the importance of our relationship to the natural world and our responsibility in global and local impacts. Especially appealing to children, this artwork will engage travelers to their immediate surroundings and foster a sense of pride and identity with these treasured habitats.  

Join us in an opening reception at the airport terminal on November 8th from 5:00-7:00. We will have an artist talk, refreshments and our various partners will speak to their many efforts in peatland conservation.

This artwork is available to purchase in a limited edition print series. 50% of artist profits will go directly to peatland protections through the Kachemak Heritage Land Trust. Buy prints directly from me online, at the Pratt Museum gift shop, or at the opening reception.  

This artwork was made possible by the climate solution community Homer Drawdown: Peatland Project of 2021, Bunnell Street Arts Center, City of Homer, Kachemak Bay Conservation Society and a 2022 Rasmuson Foundation Individual Artist Award.

See more of Kim McNett’s artwork at

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